Madison High School Interact Club
The Madison High School Interact Club brings together high school students to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self and to find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
Connect with leaders in the Madison community and around the world to:
- Take action to make a difference in our school and community
- Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
- Become a leader in our school and community
- Have fun and make new friends from around the world

Here is what we do!
We help address local food insecurity..

Did you know:
Every other Saturday since July 2020, the Interact Club of Madison High School has collected bags of food from the front door steps of generous Madison families.
- It is estimated that over 30,000 people in Morris County are food insecure
- It takes minimum income of $72,000 for a family of four to cover basic necessities
- 30% of households have income under that threshold
- 35,000 seniors living in Morris County live below the Elder Index
- 22% of those seniors have skipped a meal in order to save money
- Madison has a high number of seniors that are part of this group
- The First Baptist Church of Madison pantry regularly supports over 40 local families

Help us support our local pantry
Every other Saturday since July 2020, the Interact Club of Madison High School has collected bags of food from the front door steps of generous Madison families.
There are currently 65 Madison families participating in the Interact Club’s Madison Ends Hunger service project.
Our goal is to have 100 families participate
Join us by emailing: madisonendshunger@gmail.comWe support the education of Maasi girls in Kenya...

Each of the past two years the Interact Club has raised $2400 so that a young Maasi girl can attend four years of high school.

We respond to global events…
- Car wash for Ukraine raised over $2500 exceeding our goal and helping send 12,000 meals to Ukraine & 300+ medical kits
- Car wash for Maui and Turkey raised over $1800
We have fun with Madison’s Senior community…